The Largest

NFT / Crypto Investor Community in Japan

- What is ICL? -

I am Ikehaya, ICL Founder.

Twitter: @ihayato

ICL is a community for crypto investors that started in February 2021.

As the largest crypto investor community in Japan, we continue to make an impact on the industry.

- Alpha Group 

ICL also has Japan’s largest Alpha Group.

Currently, there are over 1000 investors in the group.

Users who own any of the following NFTs can join a special “Alpha Channel”: 

[Alpha Diamond]

*CryptoNinja NFT

*CryptoNinja Partners (10 or more) 

[Alpha Standard]

Those who hold 1 or more NFTs from each of the following collections (The BIG-3 in Japanese NFT market):

*CryptoNinja Partners

*Aopanda Party

*Live Like A Cat

Notes : Alpha Channel is ICL’s own service and has nothing to do with the operation of the above-mentioned and target NFT collections.

The target collection and possession conditions may be changed without notice.

- HOUOU – Phoenix -

We plan to freemint pfp for participants (in 2023).

For details, please check the dedicated channel in ICL.

How to join

There is no monthly fee.

You pay a membership fee once, which is permanent for as long as it remains in operation.

ICL is mainly a community for Japanese readers/speakers at now.

95% of the participants are Japanese speakers.

Of course, we also has an English channel and one full-time mod.

However, please note that much information is exchanged in Japanese.

Many international investors participate using translation tools such as DeepL.

If you wish to join ICL, please make payment.


* No refunds will be accepted after participation.

*Crypto payments are not currently accepted.

* Only credit card payments will be accepted.

* If you have any questions, please contact